Sorry for the mix up guys. The appropriate songs now have the appropriate titles.
Generally speaking, I am a musician, a computer expert (aka nerd), and a gamer. Of course, I expect that to be no surprise to anyone on Newgrounds. I created this account in order to be able to vote on my favorite submissions and upload my music.
Age 33, Male
Joined on 5/29/10
Posted by ItchiroNegaiSakamori - July 13th, 2010
Sorry for the mix up guys. The appropriate songs now have the appropriate titles.
Posted by ItchiroNegaiSakamori - July 10th, 2010
It has come to my attention that some of my submitted songs are incorrectly named. Of those songs, the following are not named correctly.
"The Death Of an Angel" should be named "A New Found Unity"
"A New Found Unity" should be named "At World's End"
I apologize for the confusion. In my haste to upload songs, I must have accidentally forgotten what songs I was actually submitting and titled them incorrectly. I am working to resolve the problem, but the changes to fix the title have, for some reason, not been processing tonight. Please have patience with me while I figure out how to fix the problem. I will be uploading more of my early works and some of my newest creations very shortly.
Posted by ItchiroNegaiSakamori - June 1st, 2010
every day I am continuing to upload my early tracks. However, I am still undergoing the validation process to ensure none of my work is stolen. It's been about three or four days now and I'm hoping my tracks will be available on Newgrounds within the next few days. In the meantime, you can check out all of my early tracks on the two myspace links I provided in my previous post. Enjoy.
Posted by ItchiroNegaiSakamori - May 31st, 2010
You can listen to all of my published tracks thus far at the following myspace sites: project e
All of the tracks from both of these sites will be posted here on Newgrounds as soon as I can. I am still awaiting confirmation for my tracks as I am a new contributor. Please feel free to comment or add the aforementioned sites to your profiles or pages. This is all free music.